Effective Manager
The purpose of the training is obtaining of knowledge and skills in the area of management: management processes, problematic situations, control over the management process, human resources as management object, leadership skills, setting up and managing teams.
Target group: middle and high level managers.
Sales management
The goal is to be acquired managerial and practical habits in managing employees in the sales area: goal determination, setting up and motivating teams, communication, getting over conflicts, stress and time management, group dynamic, marketing plan and finance analysis, finance management and SWOT analysis, critical factors for success /increasing of distributors, frequency of orders, leadership/.
Target group: employees from the sales and customer services areas: managers, supervisors.
Management of sales
Here the main purpose is the obtaining of skills and knowledge in principles, methods and techniques for achieving positive results from customer service work: main factors determine the success in sales; establishing contacts with potential clients; psychology of sales; the personality of the salesman as competitive advantage; elaborating of sales politic and strategy; haw to win clients; the clients’ comments; team work; body language as factor in our successful business with clients; the possibilities of neurolinguistic programming /NLP/ for reaching success in sales management.
Target group: managers and active distributors, who have reached high levels.
Motivation of managers and employees
The main purpose for the participants is to get acquainted with the possibilities for implementation of contemporary techniques for motivation in order to achieve better job performance: motives, priorities of the needs, implementation of motivational techniques and ways for stimulation of the work.
Target group: managers and employees.
Team work
The main goal is to get skills for team work. The main issues are: setting up teams, principles of team work, team management, effective team members communication, motivation of the team members, formal and non formal leadership.
Target group: team working employees.
Effective communication
The training aims elaboration of the communicative skills. The main issues are problems within the process of communication, types communication, main rules and techniques for communication between employees and salesman – client.
Target group: managers and employees.
Leadership skills
The participants get acquainted with the possibilities for increase of effective work through possession of leadership skills. The main issues are: the role of the manager, principles of management, stiles of leadership, motivation, communication, setting up of teams, stress management, skills for interviewing, problem settings, training and development.
Target group: management personnel.
Management of conflicts
The purpose is building up skills for management of conflicts. The main issues are: essence of the conflicts, reasons for the beginning of the conflicts, sources and ways to discover them, analysis of the conflict situations, management of conflicts.
Target group: managers and employees.
Human Resources Management
The main issues are overviewed: recruitment and selection, motivation, career management, evaluation, training.
Target group: employees and managers.
Recruitment and Selection of personnel
The purpose – obtaining knowledge and practical skills for recruitment and selection of human resources.
Target group: employees.
Haw to profit from our personal structure in order to achieve success at work
The purpose is analysis of the personal structure of every participant, defining of advantages and disadvantages. The training shows the participants ways for profit their advantages at work.
Target group: employees and managers.
Effective marketing
This training helps obtaining knowledge and abilities in the marketing area. The main issues are: questions from the today’s marketing, advertisement, marketing communications, the future of the marketing.
Target groups: employees and managers.